Parish Ministries

Our parish community offers a meaningful Liturgy, outreach to the community and much more with your help and support.  Many hands make light work.  Please look over the list and volunteer today.

Ministries at our parish

As each one of you has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace.        1 Peter, Chapter 4:10

Our Parish and school mission  revolves around the many different ministries we offer those who visit our campus.  These ministries proclaim our Christian Catholic witness.  Your presence is needed in all of these areas of our parish and school to make it run smoothly and carry out that mission.  Some of those areas are listed here but there are many more and the need changes, so check back often or call the parish center or the director for that particular department for more information.  

learn more about these ministries

Music is praying twice!

Cantor: proclaims the Psalms and assists the worshipping assembly in sung prayer.

Resurrection Choir: this choir sings at funerals to support those who are grieving through song and praise.  No auditions or rehearsals.  Meet in church about 10 minutes before the funeral and assist the assembly in prayer.

Instrumentalist: enhances our Masses by offering musical skills as a solo instrumentalist.  

Adult Choir: formation in process-stay tuned.

Please contact the Director of Music: Neal Bardele at 414-530-2508 or

Eucharistic Minister: Also called Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.  Lay people assist the priest to minister the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembled faithful.  Contact: Marlene Kollmeyer at 262-255-2760.

Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound: taking Holy Communion to members who are unable to attend mass on campus.  Contact: Marcy Stone our Parish Life Minister at 414-461-6073

Lector: Proclaim the Word of God at weekend Masses.  Contact: Mary Gensler at 262-252-4431.

Altar Server: Assists the priest on the altar at liturgies.  Children 4th grade and up and adults.  Training will be provided.  Please contact the Parish Center office. 414-461-6073

Usher: Welcome people to our liturgical celebration, seat and assist as needed, collect the offering of money, designate the gift-bearers, distribute bulletins after Mass and clean pews after Mass.  Training will be provided. Please contact the parish center.

Sacristan:  Please contact the parish center or Fr. Pat at 414- 461-6073.

Seasonal Decorating: Assist with seasonal decorating set up &  take down.  Contact the parish center.

Altar Linens: Help wash and iron small white linen cloths, robes and other items as needed.  Contact the parish center. 

Church Cleaning: Volunteers perform light cleaning of furniture and fixtures.  Contact the parish center. 

Minister of Hospitality: Welcome parishioners and visitors at the Masses each weekend with any services, questions and care they many need.  Training is provided. Please contact the parish center. 

New Member Registration: Help new members register in the narthex area of the church after weekend Masses.  Please contact the parish center. 

Fellowship/Donut Sunday:  Help to plan/staff after Mass fellowship gatherings.  

Catechist: teaches the Catholic Faith to ages K4-21.  No experience is necessary. 

FOCCUS: Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study Pre-marriage Inventory couples are needed to assist with couples preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church.  Please contact the parish center at 414-461-6073.

This committee offers sympathy and support at the time of death of a family member or friend.  Your role is to offer the services of this committee as the bereaved needs and desires.  Please contact Terry Cheski at or call the Parish center office. 414-461-6073

This program is offered at St. Margaret Mary.  If you are a person with extensive pastoral work experience and/or have a degree/certification in Theology & would be able to lead those who are interested in becoming Catholic please contact Marcy Stone our Parish Life Minister in the parish center office at 414-461-6073.

Get Involved!

Consider one of the ministries listed above.  Our parish community needs you!